Yesterday 29.12.2011 we were up in the hill of Sodankylä, Lapland to do some outdoor testing with RED EPIC. We have few friends from R.O.C.K snowmobile team and wanted to see how riding would look in 300fps.
We went out with just Vesa and me. This time of year there is not much day light in these levels and we are about to film 300fps - as far as I understand, this mean we would need 12 times more light than on 25fps.
So - sun rise at 11:44am and set 12:46pm, we have full one hour to do what we want ;)
Anyway we are so excited, that even I fat man was running around hills to get to locations we wanted.
Shortly I can say this was a good test day and we feel this is the camera that will give us so many nice moments in the future..
Here is one making of clip from this trip.
Vesa will update later today real Epic clips.
Youtube is not working too well at this moment - so videos is in Facebook.
Yahoo - I love Epic, I love Snowmobiles, I love everything today!
Look that link to Youtube or Facebook - better quality..